Freebie ghost garland
Now that the summer has really said goodbye, I often sit with the children. Together we knead, paint or do handicrafts. We're already so...
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Now that the summer has really said goodbye, I often sit with the children. Together we knead, paint or do handicrafts. We're already so...
School starts again or a child is enrolled in school. I have to admit that with three out of four children who are of school...
Summer time equals school enrollment time! This year there is a new timetable for download that goes with the current Mimirella training stationery. The columns...
It just occurred to me today, boiling hot! Sunday is Mother's Day... and who informed me about it? My man :-)!
So today...
Imagine all the people, living life in peace - you may think, I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. (John Lennon)
Since the Father's Day template was so well received by you, I now have a Valentine's Day template for you as well.
Stay in touch.