DIY mini school bag
Your children's design has probably been decided for a long time, but what about the school cones for the little siblings? Maybe this post will...
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Your children's design has probably been decided for a long time, but what about the school cones for the little siblings? Maybe this post will...
A fixed DIY gift for Father's Day.
Such a lockdown week looks pretty busy in the Mimirella house. Between schoolwork, stove and Mimirella Office, I have to make sure that our youngest...
In autumn, nature has so many treasures in store for us. For a walk in the autumn sun I have something for you.
On August 6th School starts again here in Hamburg. Do you already have a new timetable? If not, then I might have the right thing...
Love her!
Today it was time again, the time was changed. Always a nightmare for me with children! That's why I used the unusually...
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